Bundesverband Alternative Investments e.V. (BAI)

Tanja Volksheimer

My professional background lies in architecture. I hold a Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) in architecture from Hochschule Wiesbaden and a Master of Science in Facility Management in Engineering from Hochschule Mainz. I have also obtained the Investment Advisor certificates for “Sustainable and Responsible Investing” and “Real Estate Investment and Finance” from EBS European Business School. I gained practical experience internationally, including the USA, Italy and New Zealand. My career began as an Asset and Investment Manager for office, light industrial, logistics, and retail properties with the British investor GPT Halverton. Most recently, I spent over 13 years at Nuveen Real Estate, where I worked as Fund Manager for Impact and ESG strategies in the housing and alternatives sector in Europe. I have experience in investment and asset management of residential, office, retail, and logistics properties requiring proactive portfolio and asset management. As Head of Fund Management at NEXT Generation Invest AG, I am responsible for overseeing fund and investment strategies, with a focus on developing new impact-oriented investment strategies.


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